EasyHits4u is consistently in the top three on Traffic Hoopla. They will deliver your traffic very quickly. 20 second timer.

Traffic Swarm gives you targeted traffic. If you are looking to build your downline in an affilliate or multi-level program; this is where I have had my best conversion rate. 20 second timer.

Traffic Co-Op is a relatively new site. The benefits you get as a free member are better than most sites paid memberships. Free Banner and Text ads. 500 sign-up credits. 1000 credits for each new referral. Progressive surfing starts at 1:1 and increases every 30 pages by .05. Plus they have a carry over for their regular surfers. I started surfing today at 1:1.5 and by the time I finished my session was getting 1:2.05. 15 second timer.

Webmasterquest is one that I recently started using. Pretty straight forward site. 30 second timer is the only drawback.

EZsurf4Hits is another one that I recently began using. 10 second timer and no annoying match the pic or word. Just click on 'Click Here' and you're on your way.

Check one or all of them out. If you want to make the most of your time; sign-up for all five and surf them all at the same time and watch the traffic pour into your site.
Here is a new one thats been working for me real well. Rockin Clix has a 1:1 progressive surf bar with a carry-over bonus for surfing everyday. Daily, weekly and monthly surf contests. Weekly lottery drawings. Tons of bonuses. Free banner and text ads. And thats the free membership! Gold membership is just 5 dollars per month and gives you a 1:2 surf ratio and all surf bonuses are doubled! You can also list ten sites, banners and text link ads instead of 5 with the free membership.