Sunday, September 19, 2010

Making Business Easier With Autoresponders

In the online world of business, an autoresponder can do a lot for your company.  Also referred to as mailbots, email and on demand, and automatic email, these tools can help you put your business on autopilot and spend more time doing other things.  Autoresponders are great to have, as they are designed to automatically respond to any email they receive with an instant response.

Over the years, autoresponders have increased quite a bit in popularity.  They are best known for their automatic email responses, which will save you a lot of time.  By using one of these programs, you won’t have to spend countless hours answering emails again.  You can feel free to do other things and always know that your customers have access to the information they need anytime they want it.

To set your business on autopilot, all you need to do is get your copy ready and load it into your autoresponder.  Once a potential buyer or current customer sends your autoresponder address a message, the information he or she is seeking will automatically be delivered to them.  Autoresponders are very quick – delivering information via email in a matter of seconds.

Autoresponders can also help you send out free courses, articles and information, reports, information regarding your products and services, price lists, welcome and thank you letters, confirm orders, and tell others about your advertising rates.  You can preset information such as this into your autoresponder, so it will automatically send the information out whenever someone requests it.

Unlike mass email messages, autoresponders can be set up to your specifications.  You can send personalized messages with them as well, which will make your client feel as if the email was made specifically for him.  Autoresponders will also follow up with emails as well, to ensure that you get a sale.  The better autoresponders out there will notify you each and every time someone has requested your information, so you know when you have potential customers.

You can also update your autoresponder messages anytime you wish.  From time to time as you get new products or information to send to your clients, you can update your log.  When running a business, it’s very important that you keep your customers up to date.  This way, your customers will know that you have new products available and ready for purchase.  If you have a good relationship with them, they will be anticipating your new offers.

If you run a business over the Internet, an autoresponder can make life a lot easier.  You can let your autoresponder handle a majority of the tasks, including technical support and sending out information about your company and your products.  These days, autoresponders are the best tools for online business – as they give you plenty of free time for other things.

For more on autoreponders check out this post...

Monday, September 6, 2010

What Is Twitter and How You Can Use It

If you use the internet and stay up-to-date with the happenings online, you have likely heard of Twitter before.

Twitter is a cross between a micro-blog and a social networking website.  Most importantly, it is free to use.  A Twitter member will share updates with other members.  These updates are called Tweets.  These updates are in text format and they can be up to 140 characters each.  Depending on personal preferences, updates can be sent via instant messaging, RSS feeds, email, Facebook, mobile phones or the Twitter website.

For the most part, Twitter is used for social networking.  Members will message their friends with fun and interesting updates, such as a grade on a paper at school, a spring break trip, and so forth.  Although popular with teens and adults of all ages, Twitter is very popular with college students.  It allows them to stay in contact with their family and friends back home.

So, are you too busy to call your friends or family on a regular basis?   If so, Twitter may be your best option.  You can send messages through the Twitter website or your mobile phone.  If you are Mac user, as opposed to a PC user, you can also use the Twitterrific desktop program.  It allows you to send from your computer without first logging into the website.

Although Twitter is commonly used for social networking purposes, many businesses have started using the service to their advantage.  For example, coworkers working jointly on a project can update each other with their progress.  This service is also increasing in popularity for businesses where deliveries are required.  Updates and changes to a route schedule can easily be uploaded and shared with delivery drivers already in the field.

So, are you a business owner?  If so, you can use Twitter to your advantage.  Whether you operate a large business or a small one, Twitter can give your business an edge.  Although you may not run a factory-style business, your employees may work in a line.  For example, one employee must finish their work before another can begin theirs.  If that is the case, the free updates that Twitter allows can make it easy for constant communication.

There are over 2 million members at Twitter.  Unfortunately, you may not be one of them.  As previously stated, Twitter is a cross between a micro-blog and a social networking website.  If you use the internet to work, not just for recreation, you might assume that you do not have the time or energy to Twitter.  Yes, that may be true, but there is more to it.

So, are you self-employed?  Even if you work by yourself, you can still use Twitter to your advantage.  Although advertisements are advised against, there are roundabout ways for you to market your business.  Whether you are selling a product, service, or a combination of the two, you can spread the word with Twitter.  For example, are you employed as a web designer?  If so, send a Twitter message to your followers stating that you are working on a new website project.  In the event a follower needs a website developed, they may later remember your message and the services you offer.

As you can see, Twitter is more than just a social networking website and a micro-blog.  If you aren’t already one of the 2 million users who have tried it, give it a try.  With Twitter being free, you have nothing to lose.

A wealth of information on marketing yourself and your business on Twitter can be found here.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ten Mobile SEO Secrets

I recently came across an article that I thought was particulrly relevant since there re so many more people accessing websites with mobile devices (smartphones, internet tablets, etc). Here is an excerpt and a link to the full article... Good stuff!

It was inevitable. Along with mobile websites, comes mobile website SEO.  But is it really so different from "regular" SEO?

Here are 10 tips to help your mobile website soar in the Search Engines...

1. Top of the list - make sure you create a mobile Site Map. This piece of XML code is directly from Google Webmaster Central, and Google recommends that, for once, you avoid Sitemap Creation tools.


(Whatever you do, don't omit the tag, or your mobile site won't be crawled.

Read More Here...