Well, its 48 hours into my Twitter Experiment. Things aren't going exactly how I had imagined...They're even BETTER!
In the first 24 hours I started following around 60 people. 45 or so of those are big name internet marketers. I was pleasantly surprised at how many followed me too. It seems that people look at those "Gurus" and see who they are following and follow those people, so I'm getting tons of followers without even trying now.
I've spent a total of 2 hours working (mainly just following my new legion of followers and sending them a direct message with a link to one of my sites in it) on Twitter and have 190 followers already. I'm not using any specialized software or viral add sites. These people are just seeing me on someone elses page and looking me up.
My main purpose is to see what I can do in a week and then a month. I'm documenting it all (link clicks, sales, subscriptions) with screenshots and plenty of notes so that I can share it all later. There's a lot of Twitter stuff out there right now, but one more won't hurt...
Most of those who follow me, I'll follow back. Hell, they're just trying to find contacts and if I can help them or perhaps, them me; then its all the better. You never know who you might find in your list that would make a good partner for a project or two.
I've quit looking people up to follow for now. I have plenty of new followers coming in. If the flow starts to subside, I'll tag along someone else and see how things go. But for now, its all good and working on autopilot.
I log in a couple of times a day and send out a Tweet, then go through my new followers and send them a direct message with a link to one of my sites and follow most of them. It takes me about 30 minutes or less to get it all done.
I have my Direct Messages with links in a notepad file saved to my desktop, so all I have to do is copy and paste. I usually will add their first name.
My link may be Thanks for following me. I'll be following you also. Check my blog: http://twitpwr.com/6np/ , which takes them to this site.
I'll insert their firstname like this: Thanks for following me, Tom. I'll be following you also. Check my blog: http://twitpwr.com/6np/
Adding their name makes it seem more personal and your replies and link clicks will go way up.
Thats all for tonight. Look for more Twitter Updates soon. OHHH!!! FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!
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